Papícock Podcast - Episode 19 - Tony Camin
Papicock Podcast - Episode 19 - Tony Camin
On this very special episode of Papicock Podcast (Recorded on August 16, 2022), Comedian Victor Pacheco sits down and speaks with the hilarious TONY CAMIN!
Topics include: Tony being overly nice in the intros, Tony bust Victor’s chops about blurred background, Tony makes everything sound sexy, different ways of saying words, first meeting at The Layover in Oakland, The Holy City Zoo and how the venue has changed, comedy versus 80s and 90s versus now, comedy culture, working the big rooms, one nighters, nature versus nurture, Victor’s writing journey, don’t meet your heroes unless you are Victor, Victor gets invited to do a roast battle, Victor calls out Tony for “fat culture” appropriation that Tony shortly vindicates, Victor explains a recent trip to the Santa Monica dog park and terrible experience, Tony makes Victor realize that all of the locations where they have both lived near ocean, doing comedy in Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay, comedians in producer mode, Victor recalls doing Halloween show with children in the audience, Victor recalls doing anti-Trump material in Ukiah and confronting a heckler, Tony questions the amount of bookers in Ukiah, Victor talks about how he was going to attempt to get better numbers at his zoom shows by going on The People’s Court, doing comedy in zoom versus real life, Victor angrily compliments Tony about his appearance on Conan O’Brien, Victor asks Tony secret to lose weight, the guys discuss drinking during comedy shows and Tony calls it an Occupational Hazard, why Victor is really losing weight, being fat, people don’t believe Victor is a substitute teacher and Tony explains a possible reason for why that is, cannabis/weed talk, the affects of marijuana on depression, the making of The Marijuana-Louges it’s origins and Tommy Chong’s involvement, Doug Benson, turning the book into a Broadway show and taking the show on the road, almost busted at the Canadian border, technical difficulties that led Victor to hesitate whether or not to continue to the recording, Victor soldier’s on until Tony comes back, Victor and Tony have first fight ever, Victor’s alter-ego, LSD and psychedelic puppet shows, Tony’s connection caused him to freeze as Victor rambles on about LSD and gives advice about taking it, more technical difficulties lead Victor to speak in the stream on consciousness while reflecting on the interview so far, Victor talks about failure, Victor talks about riffing and reintroduces Tony, Victor almost accidently cancels Tommy Chong interview, winging it on stage, Victor asks Tony about writing on stage, hosting versus featuring, Tony explains the importance of hosting sand there being a need for a funny MC, writing new material, depression and mental health, Victor overshares and Tony makes sure Victor is validated, Victor talks about his tireless efforts of trying to get into a comedy club in SoCal, meeting up Pablo Francisco at The Haha Comedy Club and seeing Bill Burr and Jim Jeffrey’s all perform, taking professional advice from professionals, giving out tags, Victor attacks Mexican hacky jokes, discussing confrontational/disgruntled audience members, getting hissed and booed, breaking down an edgy joke, Victor talks about the type of people who are trying to cancel him, Victor explains the difference between comedy in English and comedy in Spanish as explained to him by a professional Spanish comedian, Victor explores some of his material in Spanish, Victor asks about Tony about his experience on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, WebJunk 20, Patrice O’Neal, Escalades and weed dealers, Lodi, Tony shows off his wallet, Tony’s writing process, sports and comedy, Victor’s writing process, Tony’s advice for people thinking about moving to Los Angeles, Victor calls out pay-for-play comedy venues in Los Angeles, Victor makes elephant noises that causes his dog to bark, San Francisco Comedy Condo, the importance of the vouch in writing, writing speaks for itself, Victor explains what it takes to be a substitute teacher in California, we are connected be the weed and stand-up, ripped jeans rule, Greg Proops and hanging out at 5:30 in the morning before radio show, names redacted, goodbyes.
Check out Tony Camin online for upcoming dates: